The LATERNA Nasal Implant Can Help You Finally Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Young woman with sinus pressure pain.

Do you want to finally get a good night’s sleep? Then, the LATERNA absorbable nasal implant is the solution. It is a small, polymer nose implant used to reinforce the sidewall and support the lower and upper nasal cartilages, opening up the air passageway so you can breathe easily and sleep through the night.

The LATERNA nasal implant sits inside the lateral nasal wall and slowly absorbs over approximately eighteen months. It changes the shape of your nose, but not enough to be noticeable.

Is the LATERNA Implant Right for You?

If your nose appears to collapse when you breathe in, the LATERNA implant is for you. Aging, trauma or injury, allergies and a deviated nasal septum can cause this to happen by making the sidewall weaker.

If you are experiencing a chronic stuffy nose, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing due to blockage, trouble breathing when you exercise and sleep issues caused by nasal discomfort, the LATERNA implant could help you also.

Fitting the LATERNA Nasal Implant

We secure the LATERNA implant just above the bone of your nose’s upper sidewall. A small extension of the implant stretches toward the lower part of the nose, terminating just above the lower nasal cartilage to prevent the nasal cavity from collapsing inward.

The procedure is simple, ultra-fast and effective. It is a minimally invasive treatment requiring you to undergo a local anesthetic or general anesthetic if other procedures are performed simultaneously.

Once complete, you’ll notice results almost immediately. If required at some point, we can remove the LATERNA implant.

Side Effects of the Procedure

You might experience mild inflammation, facial bruising, discomfort and minimal bleeding. However, these symptoms are rare and usually improve within two weeks. So, it won’t be long until you are living every day comfortably, breathing easier and sleeping soundly.

The LATERNA Implant Improves Your Quality of Life

Nasal breathing is associated with optimal overall health for many reasons, perhaps the most significant of which is adequate, good quality sleep. Breathing through your mouth causes sleep disorders like snoring, hypopnea and sleep apnea.

In addition, it leads to an arid oral cavity, prone to gum disease, gingivitis, cavities and bad breath. You may also endure a sore throat and changes to your facial structure like a weak chin and undefined cheekbones.

Interestingly, one of the immediate benefits you will notice after you transition to full nose-breathing is reduced “brain fog” in the morning. This effect is due to improved oxygen levels in your blood while sleeping.

If you are tired of having trouble breathing and waking up exhausted, contact Dr. Levitin at Open Sinus, or visit us at the Columbus Circle office in New York. Do not continue to suffer unnecessarily. Instead, book the appointment that will change your life today.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gregory Levitin, New York Sinusitis Treatment

Columbus Circle Office

200 W. 57th Street Suite 508
New York, NY 10019

(212) 784-6643