Sinusitis Treatment Blog

Woman Feeling Her Nasal Airways New York, NY

Is a Nasal Obstruction Impacting Your Health?


Breathing through your nose is the healthiest way to intake oxygen. The air is moistened and warmed as it passes through the turbinates in the nasal passage; it is also better filtered to remove harmful contaminants. Nasal obstructions can make it difficult to breathe through your nose, which can result in mouth breathing that is…

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Woman with nasal congestion sitting in her bed.

Symptoms of Nasal Congestion That Can Disrupt Sleep


Getting enough rest each night is incredibly important for general health. If your nightly sleep is disrupted, it can result in several physical and mental health complications. Unfortunately, you may not even realize that daytime issues are stemming from tossing and turning at night. If you wake up feeling sluggish despite a sleep cycle that…

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