Brace Yourself for Fall Allergy Season

Woman Blowing Her Nose New York, NY

Autumn has arrived bringing in football season, weekend adventures, and fall allergy season. Millions of Americans suffer from hay fever, with the highest onset being in October. If you’ve ever wondered why some people suffer from allergies while others do not, it is due to an anomaly in the immune system. While the immune system is designed to attack harmful foreign substances like viruses and bacteria, those with allergies have an immune system that tries to neutralize weed pollen by releasing histamine. When a person with hay fever inhales weed pollen particles, there is a torrent of biochemical reactions that results in the release of histamine. This protein causes allergy symptoms that are known to be miserable: sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, post-nasal drip, and more.

During the fall allergy season, it is often difficult for people to distinguish between miserable allergy symptoms or a sinus infection. It is crucial to have your symptoms carefully diagnosed to prevent delayed relief of your ailment. A few ways to tell the difference between fall allergies and a sinus infection are:

  • Sinusitis is typically accompanied by facial pain and thick, yellow or green mucus.
  • Allergies are typically accompanied by a dripping nose.
  • Fall allergies generally come like “clockwork.” Meaning, each year around the same time, you experience the same symptoms.

Fall allergy season usually lasts from mid-August through October, or up until the first frost. It is estimated that nearly 50 percent of those who suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms self-diagnose and self-treat their symptoms. Many of these people are unknowingly lengthening their suffering because they are not treating the actual issue.

At New York Sinusitis Treatment, we offer accurate diagnosis and complete care to alleviate long-term suffering. Before you self-diagnose yourself with “allergies,” please contact us. Symptoms that linger or come back more than three times a year are not typical symptoms of allergies. Make an appointment to come in and learn the real cause of your symptoms so that you can receive the best treatment for your condition.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Gregory Levitin, New York Sinusitis Treatment

Columbus Circle Office

200 W. 57th Street Suite 508
New York, NY 10019

(212) 784-6643